PCT-RX 是經過仔細研究的配方,可消除體內影響您的表現和恢復的代謝物堆積,從而最大限度地提高您的效果。同時,9種成分的優化混合有助於減少腹脹,支持減肥,緩解肌肉疼痛,讓你的身體恢復到更健康的狀態。您將體驗到更高的能量和耐力,更好的鍛煉結果 - 甚至可以從您的 SARMsCombo 堆棧和補充劑中獲得更好的結果。
PCT-RX 專為與所有 SARM 和類固醇一起使用而設計,以清潔和恢復身體。
使用方法:每天2粒,早晚各服用1 粒膠囊。為達至最佳效果,請按照每日2粒服用25日直至完成整個療程
Ever wonder why your results are out of whack? Sluggish gains, fat-loss plateaus and slow recovery often occur when your body becomes overloaded with day-to-day toxins and stress caused by intense workouts. PCT-RX, carefully researched formula helps maximize your results by eliminating the buildup of crap from your body that’s affecting your performance and recovery. At the same time, the optimized blend of 9 ingredients helps reduce bloating, support weight loss, relieve muscle pain, and restore your body to a healthier state. You’ll experience improved energy and stamina, better results from your workouts – and even better results from your SARMsCombo stacks and supplements. PCT-RX is designed specifically for use with all SARMs and steroids to cleanse and restore the body.
✔️All IN ONE Post-Cycle Therapy
✔️MAINTAIN Size & Strength Gains
✔️ENHANCE Energy & Stamina
✔️RAPID RESULTS In Less Than Two Weeks
PCT 50粒
Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Servings per Container: 25
Content: 800mg
- Clomid
- Nolvadex
- Sildenafil
- Milk-Thistle
- N-Acetyl-Cysteine
- Vitamin D3
- Zinc
- Boron Citrate
- Safed Musli